Congratulations on being selected to participate in the Newport Beach Foundation’s.

Distinguished Citizen Program (the “Program”).

During the Program you will have the opportunity to hear from and engage with current leaders

of our community.

The Newport Beach Foundation’s Code of Conduct (the “Code”) is one of the ways we ensure

the principals of our mission are furthered. Respect for our speakers, residents, and fellow

participants is imperative for the Program’s success and longevity.

All participants of the Program are required to know and follow the Code. Failure to do so can

result in removal from the Program and termination of your relationship with the Foundation.

Please read our Code of Conduct and sign below acknowledging your agreement to follow the

Code throughout the Program.

1. Integrity

Our reputation as an organization that our community can trust is our greatest asset, therefore

we expect that every participant of the Program reinforce this principle by conducting

themselves with respect, honesty, and professionalism.

2. Confidentiality

The Foundation prohibits the sharing or reproduction of information received or statements

made during the Program by either a speaker or participant, whether in written, oral, or pictorial

form, with anyone outside of the Distinguished Citizen Program.

Any sharing of confidential information will be treated as a breach of your duty of confidentiality

and may result in immediate removal from the Program.

3. Freedom of Expression

The speakers and participants of the Program are independent of the Foundation. Their

opinions and representations are their own, and not that of the Foundation. Regardless of

background or political affiliation, it is expected that they be treated with respect and each

allowed to express their view openly without fear of judgment, harassment, embarrassment, or

retaliation. The Foundation does not tolerate disparaging or slanderous remarks and reserves

the right to remove you from the Program should this tenant be violated.

*All accepted applicants must sign and return the Code of Conduct, which was sent via email, before December 21, 2018. Further inquiries, please contact us at